TANGO.AMAnything Tango

When you dance Tango, you must give EVERYTHING!

When you dance Tango, you must give EVERYTHING!

When you dance Tango, you must give EVERYTHING. If you can’t do that, DON’T dance!

The quote by Ricardo Vidort, “When you dance Tango, you must give EVERYTHING. If you can’t do that, DON’T dance!” emphasizes the deep emotional and physical commitment required in dancing Tango. Vidort, a renowned Tango dancer and teacher, believed that Tango is not just a dance but a complete immersion where one must invest their whole self—emotionally, mentally, and physically. This level of dedication and passion is crucial for truly experiencing and conveying the essence of Tango. The quote underscores the idea that without this wholehearted involvement, the dance loses its authenticity and depth. In Tango, every movement, embrace, and connection with the partner must be infused with genuine emotion and intent, making it a profound and intimate expression.

Andreas MaierA

Andreas Maier

Researcher in Love with Tango!

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