TANGO.AMAnything Tango

Tango Glossary

8 Articles
Welcome to the Tango Glossary, your essential guide to the terminology of this passionate dance form. Here, you'll find clear definitions of movements, musical terms, and cultural nuances that make Tango unique. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned dancer, this glossary will enrich your understanding and appreciation of Tango. Dive in and let the dance speak for itself!
Arrabal – The slums
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Jun 10, 2024

Arrabal – The slums

2' read
Apilado Style
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Jun 01, 2024

Apilado Style

3' read
Adelante – Forward
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Adelante – Forward

4' read
Abrazo – The embrace
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Abrazo – The embrace

4' read
Agujas – needles
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Agujas – needles

4' read
Adorno – Adornment
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Adorno – Adornment

4' read
Amague – Feint and Deception
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Amague – Feint and Deception

4' read
Al costado – To the side
Andreas MaierA
Andreas Maier
·Aug 24, 2023

Al costado – To the side

4' read

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